1 Do you know where the rumours in today's paper emanate/radiate/stream from ?
2 He brought/let/allowed himself in for criticism when he published the children's
photographs in the newspaper.
3 I worked for a local paper but gave in my notice because it turned out to be a
final/dead/blank end job.
4 The editor told the retiring journalist that he would be severely/sorely/terribly
S From slight/plain/modest beginnings, the journal has developed into a publication
with a world-class reputation.
6 A reader complained to the publisher, who in line/turn/series, said something to
the editor.
7 They refused to publish the story in the light/on the grounds/on the understanding
that it was not in the national interest.
8 The political column was definitely out of taste/sense/keeping with the independent
stance of the paper.
9 The paper makes a sharp/severe/clean distinction between matters which are in
the public domain and those which should remain private.
10 As the new editor, I see my job as assigning/obtaining/entailing responsibility to
all members of staff.
11 The chemical works has done untold/unspoken damage to the surrounding environment.
12 The hyenas carried off the remains of the zebra's carcass/corpse.
13 The zoologist thanked the audience for their participation/contribution to the workshop.
14 A bite from this snake would deliver a mortal/lethal dose for a small child.
15 The monkeys all caught a particularly noxious/virulent form of the disease.
16 The aye-aye is famed/reputed to be one of the more elusive animals.
17 There is no obvious inheritor/successor to the retiring head of the zoo.
18 The fox is fiercely/notoriously difficult to keep in captivity.
19 The court found the man guilty of cruelty and banned/excluded him from keeping
20 The sick animal had to be provoked/coaxed into eating its food.
21 Even today, forests are still being cleared and in regression/in retrospect this will
certainly be seen as a mistake.
22 The warden emerged from his hiding place and came eye to eye/face to face with the
23 The hut we built has fallen down already so it's back to the designing/drawing
24 The latest research casts/flings new light on human evolution.
25 Then the man saw the scorpion crawling into his son's cot, he moved like
26 My parents want me to go to university but I have mixed/second feelings about it.
27 He picked up the kitten by the scruff/tuck of the neck.
28 I was so taken about/aback by what I saw that I couldn't speak for a time.
29 Most sharks do not attack/prey on humans.
30 It's freezing in this house! Look at me - I've got duck/goose pimples!
31 The young cat licked her newly/firstly born kittens all over.
32 You have to be tough in the world of advertising. Survival of the best/fittest is the
rule in this game.
33 I couldn't answer his question so I just shrugged/tugged my shoulders.
34 When she got out of the car, her skirt looked lined/crumpled.
35 Beauty is only skin/eye deep.
36 My father is a real gentleman but he's one of a dying kind/breed.
37 The politician came in for a shower/barrage of criticism when news of his actions
leaked out.
38 He was accused of corruption and although he protested his innocence, the mud
seemed to stick/land.
39 I made/had a go at bungee jumping but it wasn't exactly my thing!
40 The flowers smelt beautiful and their scent/stench perfumed the air.
41 When they heard the joke, the children started to giggle/grizzle happily.
42 Have you got a comb? My hair is really mucky/messy.
43 They shot the film in Ireland, whereby/thereby avoiding the problems associated
with filming in a hot climate.
44 The artist's work was praised for its subtle/meticulous attention to detail.
45 It was a pity that Jon took such insult/offence at my comments.
46 Sheila used to be a wonderful artist so it is a shame that she has ended up/turned out
in such a dead end job.
47 The company plan to make a sequel to the film, nevertheless/notwithstanding the
poor box office returns.
48 It was a touch/stroke of luck that Laura was available when one of the dancers
sprained her ankle.
49 The artist made a brief pencil sketch/blueprint of the man's face.
50 On the first day of rehearsals the conductor was determined to press/stamp his
authority on the proceedings.
51 It was something/somehow of a surprise when Amanda got the leading role.
52 When the star broke his leg they were confronted/affronted with the problem of how
to finish filming.
53 That school claims to give its pupils a thorough/sound grounding in the classics.
54 I'm going to study medicine, hoping/assuming I pass all my exams of course.
55 I believe the money wasted on teaching Latin should be used/put to better use.
56 An inspection of the school is long outstanding/overdue.
57 There aren't enough volunteers for the summer fair. Would you mind helping out/joining
58 Please resist/refrain from running in the corridor; it is a danger to yourself and others.
59 I objected when my friends said we should play truant but they shouted/called me down.
60 His place at university is reliant on/dependent on his getting top grades in his final exams
61 Mrs Brown has promised to let us out early this afternoon. It's an incitement/incentive
to make us work harder.
62 There is very good provision/assistance for the disabled in the new school buildings.
63 My desk is cluttered/burdened with rubbish.
64 The company faces several problems, only/not the least of which is a lack of money.
65 There has been a lot of speculation/contemplation about the choice of a new director.
66 He's been working extremely hard so would find a holiday profitable/beneficial.
67 The factory was besieged with workers who had a hindrance/grievance against the
68 Tom's new job does not really provide him with enough range/scope for his talents.
69 Should/Were the company to go bankrupt, the government would take it over.
70 A good salesman is always aware of the latest market trends/drifts.
71 Your CV should cover the bare bones/skin of what you have done - try not to give
too many irrelevant details.
72 Keep to the point when you write your job application and do not wobble/waffle.
73 Pilots do a great deal of their training in virtuous/virtual reality cockpits.
74 There is no harm/hurt in asking a professional to check over your CV before you
send it.
75 Your job application needs to stand up/out from the others.
76 The man managed to defraud/smuggle a large quantity of cigarettes through customs.
77 When the director started to speak, everybody lay/fell silent.
78 While they were working on the oil rig, the men were completely cut off/out from
their families.
79 The men came off/out on strike because one of their colleagues was sacked.
80 The boss refused to increase our salary and said we could take it or leave/let it.
81 The police eliminated/discarded the suspect from their enquiries.
82 In the early days of detection, the police had no resort/recourse to fingerprint
83 The murderer dispersed/disposed of the body by burying it in his back garden.
84 That young man is on the slippery lane/slope to becoming a criminal. He'll end
up in prison if he doesn't change his ways.
85 He's a refugee/fugitive from justice; police forces all over the world are searching
for him.
86 I haven't got the least/slightest clue what the detective was getting at.
87 The murderer was reprieved/liberated when the grounds on which he had been
convicted were found to be unsafe.
88 Police are trying to combat the crime tide/wave which has hit the country.
89 There was an outcry from human rights organisations when the man was
punished/sentenced to death.
90 The police are mounting/maintaining an inquiry into how the accident
91 A man was seen hovering/loitering near the scene of the crime.
92 The man is accused/alleged to have committed the crime while under the
influence of drugs.
93 The police eliminated/discarded the suspect from their enquiries.
94 In the early days of detection, the police had no resort/recourse to fingerprint
95 At first the police thought the man's death was an accident but now they suspect
dirty/foul play.
96 The police caught up with the kidnappers and freed the hostage but it was a
near/close shave.
97 The detective's suggestion was just a shot/throw in the dark, but luckily, it was
98 What the burglar told the policeman was a packet/pack of lies.
99 Losing my wallet that day was a present/blessing in disguise because when I went
to the police station to report it I met my future husband!
100 After the robbery, the thief tried to keep a low/slight profile.
101 At a round/rough guess, I would say that the criminals escaped with about
102 Alice's parents were worried about her but she arrived home safe and sound/whole.
103 By and wide/large, most people are law-abiding citizens.
104 A prisoner escaped from a top security jail and he's now on the run/go.
105 People who live in close vicinity/proximity to the nuclear plant are worried about its
effects on their health.
106 They may find a cure for the disease but the research is still in its childhood/
107 In his excitement, the young researcher shrugged/threw caution to the winds and
published his findings without checking them.
108 John is a cut/point above the others at the laboratory when it comes to good
109 The Professor is there to overlook/oversee the progress of the research.
110 It is unfortunate that some scientists are totally impenetrable/impervious to criticism
and never listen to the general public.
111 I object on conscience/principle to any form of genetic engineering.
112 Having solved the first problem, the scientists set out/set about finding a way round
the next one.
113 My brother is an amateur mechanic and loves dabbling/tinkering with old engines.
114 Some of the researchers have now connected/allied themselves with those protesting
about experiments on primates.
115 She really tried/put my patience to the limits.
116 Old people sometimes try to cling/hang to the past.
117 My mother is a compulsive hoarder. She collects anything that comes to hand/grasp,
regardless of its worth.
118 I visited Barbara in prison and offered to help her but she seemed completely
indifferent/careless to her fate.
119 Jim found/felt it difficult to resist his daughter's beguiling smile.
120 He couldn't have had a fight; violence is quite opposed/foreign to his nature.
121 While we have no doubts about William's keenness, we do not believe he is
experienced/competent to lead the venture.
122 We'll wait until Mum is in the right set/frame of mind before we tell her our news.
123 Assuming/Considering so much money was spent on her education, Linda is rather a
124 Mr Hill hinted/suggested very strongly that he would withdraw Bill from the team if
his behaviour didn't improve.
125 I can't summon up/out any enthusiasm for going out jogging in the cold right now.
126 No one wanted the puppies so they were foisted on/over me!
127 I am loath/lithe to reveal the truth about what happened.
128 My flatmate has decided to go on/in a diet.
129 Some people are prone at/to obesity.
130 The slimming club blamed Paul's failure to lose weight in/on his lack of self-discipline.
131 Young men are under/on a great deal of pressure to look fit.
132 Don't worry. We'll soon get on/to the root of the trouble.
133 Carmen has come up on/with a great idea on how to lose weight.
134 I put up/on weight very quickly so I have to be extremely careful about what I eat.
135 Starting this new slimming programme is definitely a step at/in the right direction
for Jo.
136 Many people believe that the diet industry is a scam that relies in/on its clients'
137 In agreement/accordance with normal practice, the product will be tested before
it goes on sale.
138 We manufacture bending/folding chairs for the garden which can easily be stored
for the winter.
139 Sales drifted away/tapered off at the end of the year and have not picked up again
140 I bought this computer because I had confidence in the brand/mark name.
141 The firm will have to cease trading as there is no call/order for their product.
142 Our sales campaign is aimed at eighteen- to twenty-five year olds as they have
such huge spending force/power.
143 Orders reached a climax/peak in June but fell off very quickly after that.
144 Be careful with that superglue as it sets/thickens very quickly.
145 Politicians are usually deaf to everything apart/except/other than what they want to
146 The fact that laziness often runs in families supplies/lends/offers some plausibility to
the claims made by geneticists.
147 Don't let Matilda plead/protest/pretend illness as an excuse for not doing her homework.
148 There seems, for the time being at any chance/aspect/rate, little likelihood that a gene
for humour will be found.
149 People claim that our genes exert a powerful influence/attraction/control on our
150 The new findings threw/drew/forced the work of the researchers into confusion.
151 Hotheads among the protesters stirred/incited/agitated others to acts of vandalism.
152 I found the claims made by the speaker absurd, but despite that I managed to
choke/suffocate/suppress my laughter and put on a straight face.
153 The producer was forced/driven to despair by the slow progress they were making.
154 Programme makers have not kept pace/step with new developments in forensic
155 With forensic science, a clearer understanding of pre-history seems well within/inside
the bounds of possibility.
156 The investigations carried out on the programme were on a very small scale/plan.
157 The archaeologists were boosted/buoyed up by their success and decided to continue
excavating the site.
158 Paleontologists disagree about the extent to which meteorite impacts have affected
the output/outcome of our planet's development.
159 Cannibalism was relevant/prevalent in many ancient tribal societies.
160 Forensic science is becoming increasingly suffocated/sophisticated.
161 When it comes to investigating the past, historians borrow/lend heavily from police
162 As illness took grip/hold, the Vikings were forced to retreat from the lands they had
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
CAE speaking practice
Look at these various methods of learning and training and discuss
with your partner which you consider to be the most and the least
effective ways of learning or training to do something.
Time: 3 minutes

These pictures were published many years ago. They show what people
thought life would be like In the future, i.e. our 'today' (or even 'yesterday'!),
and what it would be like in the more distant future. In pairs, taking each
picture in turn, decide when the pictures might have been published and how
they represent what people thought the future would be like.
Time: 3 minutes

Funds are available to build a new national monument in your country to
commemorate a special occasion. Various suggestions for what kind of monument
it should be have been put forward. Decide with your partner what kind of monument
you would like to erect and where you would erect it. You can use the designs and
suggestions below to help you or you can suggest something different.
Time: 3 minutes

With your partner, look at the drawings and decide:
• what kind of competition this might be,
• what you have to do to win it.
• who it might be aimed at.
• what message the pictures are trying to put across,
• whether you think they are successful in getting their message across.
• whether you can spot the differences!
Time: 3 minutes.

You live near a stadium which was built for the last Olympic Games.
Unfortunately it is losing money and in danger of being closed, unless it starts
making a profit. Plan a series of events to bring in the crowds. Remember, you
must raise as much money as possible. With your partner decide:
• which three events suggested below would generate the biggest profits.
• which event you think would be the least popular.
• what you would charge for entry.
• what other entertainment or facilities you would provide, e.g. refreshments.
• what other activity you could suggest to raise money to save the stadium.
Time: 3 minutes

Look at these various methods of learning and training and discuss
with your partner which you consider to be the most and the least
effective ways of learning or training to do something.
Time: 3 minutes
These pictures were published many years ago. They show what people
thought life would be like In the future, i.e. our 'today' (or even 'yesterday'!),
and what it would be like in the more distant future. In pairs, taking each
picture in turn, decide when the pictures might have been published and how
they represent what people thought the future would be like.
Time: 3 minutes
Funds are available to build a new national monument in your country to
commemorate a special occasion. Various suggestions for what kind of monument
it should be have been put forward. Decide with your partner what kind of monument
you would like to erect and where you would erect it. You can use the designs and
suggestions below to help you or you can suggest something different.
Time: 3 minutes
With your partner, look at the drawings and decide:
• what kind of competition this might be,
• what you have to do to win it.
• who it might be aimed at.
• what message the pictures are trying to put across,
• whether you think they are successful in getting their message across.
• whether you can spot the differences!
Time: 3 minutes.
You live near a stadium which was built for the last Olympic Games.
Unfortunately it is losing money and in danger of being closed, unless it starts
making a profit. Plan a series of events to bring in the crowds. Remember, you
must raise as much money as possible. With your partner decide:
• which three events suggested below would generate the biggest profits.
• which event you think would be the least popular.
• what you would charge for entry.
• what other entertainment or facilities you would provide, e.g. refreshments.
• what other activity you could suggest to raise money to save the stadium.
Time: 3 minutes
1 The aim of the campaign is to......................an end to poverty in our inner cities.
The purpose of using old films in the classroom is to........................history alive for
the students.
The new water pump will........................about a significant change in the lives of the
local villagers.
2 There were scratches along both.................of my car when Julia returned it
to me.
My mother always......................with my brother whenever we have an argument.
The coach asked Ernesto to change................... so both groups had an equal
number of good players.
3 The...........................of the painting is thought to be the artist's mother.
The festival organizers would like to point out that all times and dates of events are..........................to change.
Some politicians change the........................rather than answer a question theyfind awkward.
4 It's dangerous to.....................lanes on the motorway without indicating first.
Although we flicked the.........................a number of times, the machine would not
We will no longer be using the old accounting software after we...................over to
the new software next month.
5 I came home to find my son ..................up bits of glass from the kitchen floor.
The holiday brochure showed majestic forests.........................over the mountains.
The new boss has promised there will be........................changes within our
6 The headmaster must take urgent.........................to stop the bullying that is
happening in this school.
I had to stop and rest before I climbed the final........................of the lighthouse.
If you get lost in the woods, you should retrace your......................and go back to
7 The group believed the song ...............a good chance of being a hit but didn't
dream it would reach number 1.
Being the only child with an American accent, I.....................out amongst the other
children at school.
My parents.......................by me all the time I was in prison and did everything they
could to get me released.
8 Would you...............for a cup of coffee while you're waiting to see Mr Williams?
Our society should take more.....................of the elderly and treat them with respect.
Martin doesn't seem to......................that his aggressive behaviour could get him into
9 Police now doubt that anyone will......................responsibility for the bomb that
exploded yesterday.
The old lady's ....................that she had seen a UFO was never taken seriously by
If you have an accident and make a ......................., you will have to pay more for
future car insurance.
10 Ministers have been told to wait until the Foreign Secretary...............a formal
statement before speaking to the press about the incident.
The subject of legalizing drugs is one of those controversial.....................which is
unlikely to be resolved soon.
In the next two.......................of the National Reporter we will be bringing you a
special report on the health care crisis.
11 House prices .....................dramatically last year and they bought
themselves a small flat near the town centre.
I always thought that love at first sight only happened in films but I..............for it
the moment I set eyes on her.
He................out with his father after a blazing row and hasn't spoken to him since.
12 The President highlighted the ...................relationship that existed between
the two countries, who, he said, were now 'the closest of allies'.
Relations with management have not improved and there's a...................chance the
unions will call a strike next week.
I never liked kissing my grandmother, because I couldn't stand the................
smell of her perfume.
13 He had a friendly, open face and she..................an instant liking to him.
In appearance Emily..................after her father, but she inherited her intelligence from
her mother.
It.....................some time to sort out our marriage problems, but now our relationship is
pretty good.
14 They've had a.............of disagreements recently, but normally they get on fine
Can you reverse the car a little more so we can...................it to the caravan?
The whole restaurant had been booked by a middle-aged married ...................
celebrating their silver wedding anniversary.
15 His latest novel centres on the uneasy relationship between the two countries
at the......................of the last century.
The last person I expected to.......................up at our wedding was my ex-boyfriend!
I usually...................to my mother for help or advice: she's a better listener than my
16 I know that Simon meant................when he corrected my pronunciation, but I
thought it was rude rather than helpful.
She is........................aware of the risks involved in bungee jumping, but that's not
going to stop her doing it.
Andreas did exceptionally.......................in his test, meaning that he qualifies for a
17 I hope to...................this company as well as my father has for the last
twenty years.
This popular soap opera is shown in 20 countries and has...................for over
15 years.
The man arrested for the murder escaped from the police and is still on the ............... .
18 It struck me as....................the way that Andrew never spoke about his past.
All the houses with.......................numbers are on the other side of the road.
In the twenty years I've been living here we've always had good...................neighbours.
19 Some critics of the Internet accuse it of being a..............for corporate advertising.
The old lady claimed to be a......................who could communicate with the dead.
The thief is described as being of .................. height and has several tattoos on his
20 He took a week off work with the express....................... of finding a new job.
I'm sure Tony deleted my file on ...................., although he says it was an accident.
I don't mind living at home for now as it suits my........................of saving money.
21 The guidebook is.................with many useful maps and lists of cheap places to
Each team had to.........................their task within 30 minutes to stay in the
It took me ages to.........................the forms I needed for my visa.
22 New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the.................
to vote.
That car has parked...................behind you so be careful when you reverse.
I don't think that finishing a relationship by text message is the..................way to
do it.
23 I last saw Marta getting on a ship that was........................for Spain.
Knowing John, he's.....................to be late for the meeting.
The bank robbers had.......................the hostages together with rope.
24 Could you.................me how to use this photocopier if you have time today?
All this rain we're having just goes to ....................that climate change is really
If we wait a bit longer, I'm sure Yuri will...................up eventually with another
excuse for being late.
25 If you want to...............the flight, you won't have time to check your luggage in.
I'm afraid we don't have any replacement parts for this.........................of camera.
Listening to love songs after a break-up tends to.......................me depressed.
26 Dangerous drivers do not have the slightest ...................for anyone
else on the road.
Some of our staff have expressed....................over the poor lighting in the office.
My personal life doesn't...................you so please stop asking me about it.
27 Explaining why the soldiers were sent in so quickly, an army spokesman said that
the situation had.......................for immediate action.
The police were.........................to deal with the fight but no arrests were made.
The performance had to be.......................off after fire destroyed the stage.
28 Jenny's boss asked her to give the team a brief..................of what she'd seen
at the exhibition.
When booking your holiday, please take into .....................the fact that cancellations
are charged at 10%.
Do not leave your company laptop in your car on any....................... .
29 Our charity raises money for the homeless and for people in.....................in the
inner city.
People................... to be made aware of the additives that certain food contains.
We have no.....................of these toys now that our children have grown up.
30 The restaurant was once famous for its.....................food and wine before
it started serving burgers.
We walked on through the........................ rain, slowly but surely becoming soaking wet.
Despite his long flight, Eric said he felt.........................and would be present at the
31 Emma likes to..................attention to herself by changing her hair colour
every week.
The aim of the report is to.......................a comparison between the effects of
poverty on children living in rural and urban areas.
I heard the taxi........................up outside my house and knew my father had
come home at last.
32 I really dislike the way that our manager is always taking.....................for
everyone else's hard work.
I am still waiting for the bank to........................my account for the fees they
overcharged me.
Once I finish this course, it will count as one ....................towards my degree.
33 Half the staff in our office have..................down with flu so the rest of us
are doing overtime.
Her style of writing means that her characters.........................to life on the very
first page.
For teenagers buying clothes, style tends to..................before comfort.
34 Paul is still upset about losing his job so you'll need to......................the
subject carefully.
The government needs a new.....................to tackling gun crime as their
current policy isn't working.
With the...........................of summer, I noticed the mornings grow lighter and
my mood change for the better.
35 If I've read the map correctly, this road should..................us back to town.
Akiko is auditioning to play one of the......................roles in this year's
production of Romeo and Juliet.
If you're not sure about table manners in other countries, just follow your host's
.....................and you won't cause offence.
36 Don't show that huge spider to Miranda or you'll probably.....................
her to death!
The rise in violent crime in our capital is likely to.......................away tourists.
There was another bomb..................in the business district yesterday and we all
had to leave our offices.
37 Their new...................of clothing is meant to appeal to a younger
target group.
There was no point in shooting at the wolf as it was already out of................... .
Prices at the store..................from the easily affordable to the extremely
38 Many children....................hungry when their family is affected by
long-term unemployment.
I've been in the same kind of job for years and I'd like to have a...................at
something new.
That beef will quickly...................off in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.
39 Please........................this email to anyone in the department who
would benefit from a training weekend.
Let's sit further.......................so we can get a better view of the play.
A bit more...................planning would have prevented our staffing problem.
40 Could you...................for me and answer the phone while I'm out of
the office?
The book has an unimaginative....................which does not make you want
to pick it up.
The detectives were working under.....................to expose the gang leader.
The purpose of using old films in the classroom is to........................history alive for
the students.
The new water pump will........................about a significant change in the lives of the
local villagers.
2 There were scratches along both.................of my car when Julia returned it
to me.
My mother always......................with my brother whenever we have an argument.
The coach asked Ernesto to change................... so both groups had an equal
number of good players.
3 The...........................of the painting is thought to be the artist's mother.
The festival organizers would like to point out that all times and dates of events are..........................to change.
Some politicians change the........................rather than answer a question theyfind awkward.
4 It's dangerous to.....................lanes on the motorway without indicating first.
Although we flicked the.........................a number of times, the machine would not
We will no longer be using the old accounting software after we...................over to
the new software next month.
5 I came home to find my son ..................up bits of glass from the kitchen floor.
The holiday brochure showed majestic forests.........................over the mountains.
The new boss has promised there will be........................changes within our
6 The headmaster must take urgent.........................to stop the bullying that is
happening in this school.
I had to stop and rest before I climbed the final........................of the lighthouse.
If you get lost in the woods, you should retrace your......................and go back to
7 The group believed the song ...............a good chance of being a hit but didn't
dream it would reach number 1.
Being the only child with an American accent, I.....................out amongst the other
children at school.
My parents.......................by me all the time I was in prison and did everything they
could to get me released.
8 Would you...............for a cup of coffee while you're waiting to see Mr Williams?
Our society should take more.....................of the elderly and treat them with respect.
Martin doesn't seem to......................that his aggressive behaviour could get him into
9 Police now doubt that anyone will......................responsibility for the bomb that
exploded yesterday.
The old lady's ....................that she had seen a UFO was never taken seriously by
If you have an accident and make a ......................., you will have to pay more for
future car insurance.
10 Ministers have been told to wait until the Foreign Secretary...............a formal
statement before speaking to the press about the incident.
The subject of legalizing drugs is one of those controversial.....................which is
unlikely to be resolved soon.
In the next two.......................of the National Reporter we will be bringing you a
special report on the health care crisis.
11 House prices .....................dramatically last year and they bought
themselves a small flat near the town centre.
I always thought that love at first sight only happened in films but I..............for it
the moment I set eyes on her.
He................out with his father after a blazing row and hasn't spoken to him since.
12 The President highlighted the ...................relationship that existed between
the two countries, who, he said, were now 'the closest of allies'.
Relations with management have not improved and there's a...................chance the
unions will call a strike next week.
I never liked kissing my grandmother, because I couldn't stand the................
smell of her perfume.
13 He had a friendly, open face and she..................an instant liking to him.
In appearance Emily..................after her father, but she inherited her intelligence from
her mother.
It.....................some time to sort out our marriage problems, but now our relationship is
pretty good.
14 They've had a.............of disagreements recently, but normally they get on fine
Can you reverse the car a little more so we can...................it to the caravan?
The whole restaurant had been booked by a middle-aged married ...................
celebrating their silver wedding anniversary.
15 His latest novel centres on the uneasy relationship between the two countries
at the......................of the last century.
The last person I expected to.......................up at our wedding was my ex-boyfriend!
I usually...................to my mother for help or advice: she's a better listener than my
16 I know that Simon meant................when he corrected my pronunciation, but I
thought it was rude rather than helpful.
She is........................aware of the risks involved in bungee jumping, but that's not
going to stop her doing it.
Andreas did exceptionally.......................in his test, meaning that he qualifies for a
17 I hope to...................this company as well as my father has for the last
twenty years.
This popular soap opera is shown in 20 countries and has...................for over
15 years.
The man arrested for the murder escaped from the police and is still on the ............... .
18 It struck me as....................the way that Andrew never spoke about his past.
All the houses with.......................numbers are on the other side of the road.
In the twenty years I've been living here we've always had good...................neighbours.
19 Some critics of the Internet accuse it of being a..............for corporate advertising.
The old lady claimed to be a......................who could communicate with the dead.
The thief is described as being of .................. height and has several tattoos on his
20 He took a week off work with the express....................... of finding a new job.
I'm sure Tony deleted my file on ...................., although he says it was an accident.
I don't mind living at home for now as it suits my........................of saving money.
21 The guidebook is.................with many useful maps and lists of cheap places to
Each team had to.........................their task within 30 minutes to stay in the
It took me ages to.........................the forms I needed for my visa.
22 New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the.................
to vote.
That car has parked...................behind you so be careful when you reverse.
I don't think that finishing a relationship by text message is the..................way to
do it.
23 I last saw Marta getting on a ship that was........................for Spain.
Knowing John, he's.....................to be late for the meeting.
The bank robbers had.......................the hostages together with rope.
24 Could you.................me how to use this photocopier if you have time today?
All this rain we're having just goes to ....................that climate change is really
If we wait a bit longer, I'm sure Yuri will...................up eventually with another
excuse for being late.
25 If you want to...............the flight, you won't have time to check your luggage in.
I'm afraid we don't have any replacement parts for this.........................of camera.
Listening to love songs after a break-up tends to.......................me depressed.
26 Dangerous drivers do not have the slightest ...................for anyone
else on the road.
Some of our staff have expressed....................over the poor lighting in the office.
My personal life doesn't...................you so please stop asking me about it.
27 Explaining why the soldiers were sent in so quickly, an army spokesman said that
the situation had.......................for immediate action.
The police were.........................to deal with the fight but no arrests were made.
The performance had to be.......................off after fire destroyed the stage.
28 Jenny's boss asked her to give the team a brief..................of what she'd seen
at the exhibition.
When booking your holiday, please take into .....................the fact that cancellations
are charged at 10%.
Do not leave your company laptop in your car on any....................... .
29 Our charity raises money for the homeless and for people in.....................in the
inner city.
People................... to be made aware of the additives that certain food contains.
We have no.....................of these toys now that our children have grown up.
30 The restaurant was once famous for its.....................food and wine before
it started serving burgers.
We walked on through the........................ rain, slowly but surely becoming soaking wet.
Despite his long flight, Eric said he felt.........................and would be present at the
31 Emma likes to..................attention to herself by changing her hair colour
every week.
The aim of the report is to.......................a comparison between the effects of
poverty on children living in rural and urban areas.
I heard the taxi........................up outside my house and knew my father had
come home at last.
32 I really dislike the way that our manager is always taking.....................for
everyone else's hard work.
I am still waiting for the bank to........................my account for the fees they
overcharged me.
Once I finish this course, it will count as one ....................towards my degree.
33 Half the staff in our office have..................down with flu so the rest of us
are doing overtime.
Her style of writing means that her characters.........................to life on the very
first page.
For teenagers buying clothes, style tends to..................before comfort.
34 Paul is still upset about losing his job so you'll need to......................the
subject carefully.
The government needs a new.....................to tackling gun crime as their
current policy isn't working.
With the...........................of summer, I noticed the mornings grow lighter and
my mood change for the better.
35 If I've read the map correctly, this road should..................us back to town.
Akiko is auditioning to play one of the......................roles in this year's
production of Romeo and Juliet.
If you're not sure about table manners in other countries, just follow your host's
.....................and you won't cause offence.
36 Don't show that huge spider to Miranda or you'll probably.....................
her to death!
The rise in violent crime in our capital is likely to.......................away tourists.
There was another bomb..................in the business district yesterday and we all
had to leave our offices.
37 Their new...................of clothing is meant to appeal to a younger
target group.
There was no point in shooting at the wolf as it was already out of................... .
Prices at the store..................from the easily affordable to the extremely
38 Many children....................hungry when their family is affected by
long-term unemployment.
I've been in the same kind of job for years and I'd like to have a...................at
something new.
That beef will quickly...................off in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.
39 Please........................this email to anyone in the department who
would benefit from a training weekend.
Let's sit further.......................so we can get a better view of the play.
A bit more...................planning would have prevented our staffing problem.
40 Could you...................for me and answer the phone while I'm out of
the office?
The book has an unimaginative....................which does not make you want
to pick it up.
The detectives were working under.....................to expose the gang leader.
Monday, April 20, 2009
FCE open cloze practice 1
Stormy waters
My elder sister, (0) ……… has done a lot of travelling, had
advised me not to go (1) ……… ship in February, but of course
I hadn’t paid (2) ……… attention to what she said. I hadn’t
taken any notice, (3)……… , of the warning from the
passengers coming off the ship, who said (4) ……… had been
the worst voyage they had (5) ……… experienced.
The water in the harbour looked calm enough, and the ship
was big and solid, so I decided not (6) ……… take any anti-
seasickness pills. As (7) ……… as I was on board I began (8)
……… a huge meal, which I finished just (9) ……… we came
out of the harbour and into the ocean. Immediately we were hit
by enormous waves, (10) ……… threw the ship around in the
water as if it were a toy boat in the bath.
Oil threat to Ice Age world
An area of the North Atlantic has not changed (0) .......... the last Ice Age,
according (1) .......... scientists. They have found that (2) .......... temperature of
deep water near the Shetland Islands always remains a little below zero degrees.
In (3) .......... of the intense cold, the water never freezes because it is extremely
salty, and it is inhabited (4) .......... giant sea spiders.
The discovery was made by a team of scientists studying the ocean floor at depths of (5) .......... a mile. They also found deep marks in the seabed at a depth of around 350 metres, which they say must (6) .......... been caused by icebergs that had broken away from Scotland during the Ice Age.
Lost and Found
My father considered 0 ……….. to be a lucky man. He wasn’t rich or
famous, but he was lucky 1 …………………. he lost anything, he was usually
2 ………… to find it again 3 …………… such example was a
fountain pen, a present from my mother on 4 …………. wedding
anniversary. We had had a family day out in the mountains. My brother,
5………………was about ten years old at the time, and I enjoyed going to
a lake where you could hire a boat and row out across the water.
6…………… had once been a village in the valley, but the valley had
been flooded in order 7……………. create a reservoir for a city many
miles away. When the water was clear, you could still make out the top of the
church spire and the walls of houses 8 ……………. we were returning
home that night, my father discovered that he had lost his treasured fountain
pen. About two weeks later, he announced that in spite 9 …………… the
gloomy weather, we were going back to the lake for the day. We were surprised,
but said nothing. We set 10…………… about nine in the morning, and
as 11…………… as we arrived at the lake, we headed
12 ………………..the spot where we had had our picnic on the previous
occasion. As we were deciding whether to hire a boat for the afternoon or
13…………… , my father gave a shout. There, lying on the ground, was
a pen. There was 14……………. doubt at all in my mind that
15……………. was the pen he had lost two weeks beforehand.
Sponsored walk
Have you ever 0 …………… on a sponsored walk? I went on
1……………when I was about eleven years old. Our teacher came up
2………………the idea. We would donate any money we raised to a local
charity and have a day out at the same time. I didn’t really understand what
3………………..involved in a sponsored walk, but that didn’t make
4………………. difference to me. It just seemed an exciting thing to do, and
we set 5………………… on our journey with enthusiasm. But the walk
turned out to be even 6……………….. exciting than I had expected.
7………………I didn’t realise was that it consisted of walking two miles to
a small island 8………………. only means of access was across a causeway.
The island, 9………………. is situated off the north-east coast of Britain, is a
place of outstanding natural beauty, but very remote. The first problem we
came up 10………………….. was the sand. We had to put
11…………… with it blowing in our faces and on our legs as we
struggled across the causeway. Added to that, we knew that
12…………. we did not return to the mainland in time, we would be
cut 13…………… by the incoming tide, and would have to spend the night there! Well, we made it, and even managed to have a picnic there before it was time to make our way back. You can imagine our relief when we arrived on the mainland exhausted, but home 14……………….. dry. I must admit that I haven’t done a sponsored walk 15……………… I went to the island. But who knows? One day I might do one again.
Holiday cancellation
There is nothing worse 0 …………… having a holiday cancelled.
Despite the fact that the government has brought 1 ………….. new
legislation to protect holiday-makers financially, it’s the disappointment which
is hard to bear. In most cases, some form of compensation
2………………..offered, but often the alternatives are nowhere near
3……………..exciting as the original destination. On second thoughts,
perhaps 4 …………….. is something which is 5 …………….. little
worse than a cancelled holiday, and 6 ……………. is being stranded at
your holiday destination when a company goes bankrupt. In circumstances
like these, many people wish they 7…………… never gone on holiday
at all, and may think twice about going again. ‘If we’d known that this was
going to happen, we 8……………….. never have considered spending so
much money on a holiday.’ ‘9 ……………….. only we’d booked with
someone else!’ they grumble to their friends when they get back home. Their
friends try to change 10 …………….. subject, but quickly realise that
the disappointed holiday makers are determined to have their say. It seems
useless to point out that the main reason 11 ……………… having a
holiday is to return home relaxed and stress-free. If the experience turns out
to be even more stressful than normal everyday life, putting pressure
12…………….. the holiday-maker, then surely it is
13…………………. something to be repeated. Perhaps the best advice for
those 14……………….. feel that they are not cut 15…………………. for
stressful holiday experiences is simply to stay at home!
My elder sister, (0) ……… has done a lot of travelling, had
advised me not to go (1) ……… ship in February, but of course
I hadn’t paid (2) ……… attention to what she said. I hadn’t
taken any notice, (3)……… , of the warning from the
passengers coming off the ship, who said (4) ……… had been
the worst voyage they had (5) ……… experienced.
The water in the harbour looked calm enough, and the ship
was big and solid, so I decided not (6) ……… take any anti-
seasickness pills. As (7) ……… as I was on board I began (8)
……… a huge meal, which I finished just (9) ……… we came
out of the harbour and into the ocean. Immediately we were hit
by enormous waves, (10) ……… threw the ship around in the
water as if it were a toy boat in the bath.
Oil threat to Ice Age world
An area of the North Atlantic has not changed (0) .......... the last Ice Age,
according (1) .......... scientists. They have found that (2) .......... temperature of
deep water near the Shetland Islands always remains a little below zero degrees.
In (3) .......... of the intense cold, the water never freezes because it is extremely
salty, and it is inhabited (4) .......... giant sea spiders.
The discovery was made by a team of scientists studying the ocean floor at depths of (5) .......... a mile. They also found deep marks in the seabed at a depth of around 350 metres, which they say must (6) .......... been caused by icebergs that had broken away from Scotland during the Ice Age.
What worries environmentalists, however, is that (7) .......... area lies near a place of rich oil deposits. Organizations such as Greenpeace fear that it is only a (8) .......... of time before multinational oil companies start exploring this permanently sub-zero world. (9) .......... that happens, they warn, it will not be (10) .......... before oil slicks harm an environment that has lain untouched for thousands of years.
Lost and Found
My father considered 0 ……….. to be a lucky man. He wasn’t rich or
famous, but he was lucky 1 …………………. he lost anything, he was usually
2 ………… to find it again 3 …………… such example was a
fountain pen, a present from my mother on 4 …………. wedding
anniversary. We had had a family day out in the mountains. My brother,
5………………was about ten years old at the time, and I enjoyed going to
a lake where you could hire a boat and row out across the water.
6…………… had once been a village in the valley, but the valley had
been flooded in order 7……………. create a reservoir for a city many
miles away. When the water was clear, you could still make out the top of the
church spire and the walls of houses 8 ……………. we were returning
home that night, my father discovered that he had lost his treasured fountain
pen. About two weeks later, he announced that in spite 9 …………… the
gloomy weather, we were going back to the lake for the day. We were surprised,
but said nothing. We set 10…………… about nine in the morning, and
as 11…………… as we arrived at the lake, we headed
12 ………………..the spot where we had had our picnic on the previous
occasion. As we were deciding whether to hire a boat for the afternoon or
13…………… , my father gave a shout. There, lying on the ground, was
a pen. There was 14……………. doubt at all in my mind that
15……………. was the pen he had lost two weeks beforehand.
Sponsored walk
Have you ever 0 …………… on a sponsored walk? I went on
1……………when I was about eleven years old. Our teacher came up
2………………the idea. We would donate any money we raised to a local
charity and have a day out at the same time. I didn’t really understand what
3………………..involved in a sponsored walk, but that didn’t make
4………………. difference to me. It just seemed an exciting thing to do, and
we set 5………………… on our journey with enthusiasm. But the walk
turned out to be even 6……………….. exciting than I had expected.
7………………I didn’t realise was that it consisted of walking two miles to
a small island 8………………. only means of access was across a causeway.
The island, 9………………. is situated off the north-east coast of Britain, is a
place of outstanding natural beauty, but very remote. The first problem we
came up 10………………….. was the sand. We had to put
11…………… with it blowing in our faces and on our legs as we
struggled across the causeway. Added to that, we knew that
12…………. we did not return to the mainland in time, we would be
cut 13…………… by the incoming tide, and would have to spend the night there! Well, we made it, and even managed to have a picnic there before it was time to make our way back. You can imagine our relief when we arrived on the mainland exhausted, but home 14……………….. dry. I must admit that I haven’t done a sponsored walk 15……………… I went to the island. But who knows? One day I might do one again.
Holiday cancellation
There is nothing worse 0 …………… having a holiday cancelled.
Despite the fact that the government has brought 1 ………….. new
legislation to protect holiday-makers financially, it’s the disappointment which
is hard to bear. In most cases, some form of compensation
2………………..offered, but often the alternatives are nowhere near
3……………..exciting as the original destination. On second thoughts,
perhaps 4 …………….. is something which is 5 …………….. little
worse than a cancelled holiday, and 6 ……………. is being stranded at
your holiday destination when a company goes bankrupt. In circumstances
like these, many people wish they 7…………… never gone on holiday
at all, and may think twice about going again. ‘If we’d known that this was
going to happen, we 8……………….. never have considered spending so
much money on a holiday.’ ‘9 ……………….. only we’d booked with
someone else!’ they grumble to their friends when they get back home. Their
friends try to change 10 …………….. subject, but quickly realise that
the disappointed holiday makers are determined to have their say. It seems
useless to point out that the main reason 11 ……………… having a
holiday is to return home relaxed and stress-free. If the experience turns out
to be even more stressful than normal everyday life, putting pressure
12…………….. the holiday-maker, then surely it is
13…………………. something to be repeated. Perhaps the best advice for
those 14……………….. feel that they are not cut 15…………………. for
stressful holiday experiences is simply to stay at home!
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