Thursday, March 26, 2009

FCE key word transformation 9

1. I'm going to test my new CD player.
out I'm going to new CD player.
2. She loves participating in song contests.
part She loves contests.
3. There is little I can do to help her.
much There to help her.
4. When was the film released?
ago How ................................................................................................................................released?
5. I haven't found what I'm looking for yet.
still I ...............................................................................................................................I'm looking for.
6. Mrs Cashmore is the head of this department.
charge Mrs Cashmore ...................................................................................................this department.
7. We were delayed in the traffic jam.
held We .............................................................................................................................the traffic jam.
8.It wasn't necessary for her to spend so much money.
needn't She........................................................................................................................much money.
9. It's not possible that he ran away with the stolen goods.
run He ....................................................................................................................with the stolen goods.
10. He has always supported the idea of nuclear disarmament.
favour He has always ............................................................................................nuclear disarmament.
11. My father is recovering from his cold.
over My father .........................................................................................................................his cold.
12.We must try not to lose contact with each other.
keep We must try .................................................................................................................each other.
13. You must reduce your smoking.
down You must .............................................................................................................your smoking.
14. Perhaps they were not informed about the change of plan.
may They .......................................................................................................about the change of plan.
15.She worked hard in the garden all morning.
spent She ..................................................................................................................hard in the garden.
16. The match has been cancelled due to bad weather.
called The match .....................................................................................................due to bad weather.
17. "You have to memorise this poem," the teacher said to us.
heart "You have to ...........................................................................................," the teacher said to us.
18. It is believed that the criminal has fled the country.
have The criminal .................................................................................................................the country.
19. It's time for you to leave for the airport.
left It's time ............................................................................................................................the airport.
20. She described her new flat to us.
what She told us
21. He inherited a lot of money when his grandfather died.
came He when his grandfather died.
22. The diamond necklace is far more expensive than the pearl one.
far The pearl necklace..................................................................................................the diamond one.
23. You can stay with me for a few days.
put I can ..........................................................................................................................for a few days.
24. Thomson still hasn't put his signature on this bill.
needs This bill still Thomson.
25. Tigers are becoming extinct at an alarming rate.
dying Tigers an alarming rate.
25. After weeks of uncertainty he finally made his decision.
been After having ............................................................. weeks, he finally made his decision.
26. She is friendly to her students.
way She ..................................................................................................... to her students.
27. He was about to start the car when someone called him.
point He was ...................................................................... the car when someone called him.

28. They decided to postpone the meeting.
put They .......................................................................................................... the meeting.
29. I advise you not to go out in this hailstorm.
better You .............................................................................................0ut in this hailstorm.
30. it wasn't necessary for her to cook such an enormous meal.
needn't She .................................................................................... such an enormous meal.
31. She tolerates his family because she doesn't want to upset him.
puts She ................................................................... because she doesn't want to upset him.
32. Appearing in public is natural to him.
used He ................................................................................................................. in public.
33. Feeling tired, he went to bed early.
turned Feeling tired,..................................................................................................... early.
34. Will there ever be an opportunity for me to meet him in person?
chance Will I ever ............................................................................................... him in person.
35. It's high time the government changed that law.
away It's high time ..................................................................................................... that law.
36. It's possible that he hasn't received the bill.
may He .................................................................................................................. the bill.
37. The detective could no longer see the suspect when he entered the building.
sight The detective ................................................ the suspect when he entered the building.
38. He hasn't once offered to pay the bill.
once Not ........................................................................................................ to pay the bill.
39. A stylist advises the actress on her wardrobe.
gives A stylist .................................................................................................. her wardrobe.
40. She offered to give them some money to compensate for the damage.
make She offered to give them some money .................................................... the damage.
41. It wasn't necessary for her to wake up early, but she did.
woken She ....................................................................................................................... early.
42. She crossed the road to avoid talking to her ex-husband.
order She crossed the road ...................................................................... to her ex-husband.
43. You have to try hard if you want to pass the exams.
best You have to ................................................................... if you want to pass the exams.
44. Shall I carry your shopping for you?
like Would ........................................................................................... your shopping for you.
45. Please write to me whenever you feel like it.
drop Please .......................................................................................... whenever you feel like it.
46. He disguised himself because he didn't want to be recognised.
as He disguised himself ................................................................................................. recognised.
47. He doesn't like students questioning his authority.
having He doesn't like .......................................................................................... by students.
48. Our car and theirs are alike.
similar Our car ................................................................................................................. theirs.
49. She has never before heard such beautiful music.
has Never before .................................................................................... such beautiful music.

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